Thursday, May 10, 2012

Healthy meals instead of Fast Food

A Healthy Meal Instead Of Fast Food-
You could start off with homemade muffins and a glass of milk or orange juice.
Then, you could try a sandwich on whole wheat bread. With that you can have baked kettle chips (healthier than deep fried chips) and some fruit. For dinner you could try to portion your food and eat plenty vegetables. For dessert you can make homemade strawberry creamsicles with vanilla greek yogurt (or regular yogurt) acting as the cream.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


A 12 yr. old girl should get about 2,400 calories (average) and a 14 yr. old boy should get between 2,800-3,000 calories (average). An entire meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert w/ beverages) from Burger King and McDonald's will surprise  you!

McDonald's Whole day is 2,720 calories-                    

1 big breakfast with hotcakes is 1,090 calories       
1 milk jug is 100 calories
1 big mac is 550 calories
1 diet coke is 0 calories
1 McDouble is 390 calories 
1 Coke is 150 calories
1 Oreo McFlurry (small) is 510 calories   

Burger King Whole day is 3,040

1 Sausage and Cheese Muffin with hash browns and lemonade is 590 calories
1 Whopper sandwich meal with small Coke And Fries is 1,200 calories
1 5 piece chicken strip is 610 calories 
1 mello yellow is 340 calories 
1 Hershey sundae pie is 300 calories

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5 Interesting facts About Fast food Restaurants

5 INTERESTING facts about fast food restaurants- 

1. McDonalds began in 1949 operated by Richard and Marurice McDonald
2. McDonald's restaurants are in 119 different countries
3. McDonalds serves over 50 million costumers each day 
4. There are over 150 different types of fast food restaurants  in the U.S
5. At first McDonald's was called "The McDonald's Brothers Burger Bar Drive In"